Autonomous Mode → CAPWAP Mode

 ◆ AutonomousモードからCAPWAPモードへ変更

 @ Ciscoのwebサイトから該当するAPモデルのCAPWAPファイルをダウンロード。Two types of CAPWAP files are available:

 01. Fully functional CAPWAP files, identified by the k9w8 string in their name. When booting this image,
 the AP is fully functional and can join a controller to obtain its configuration

 02. Recovery mode CAPWAP files, identified by the rcvk9w8 string in their name. These files are smaller than the fully
 functional k9w8 CAPWAP files. When booting rcvk9w8 files, the AP can join a controller to download a fully functional
 image. The AP will then reboot, use the fully functional image and rejoin a controller to obtain its configuration.

 A 管理PCなどでFTPサーバを起動

 B Configure the AP to connect to the FTP server as a FTP client. This is done under global configuration mode,
 with the command ip ftp username, and ip ftp password. For example:

 ap#configure terminal
ip ftp username cisco
ip ftp password Cisco123

 C Once the parameters are configured, you can start the download process on the AP. Use the archive download-sw
 command, with the /force-reload argument to have the AP reboot at the end of the cycle, and /overwrite to replace
 the autonomous code with the CAPWAP code. See the following example:

archive download-sw /force-reload /overwrite

 D The AP reboots into lightweight mode and looks for a controller.

Cisco無線LAN - WLC 設定


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